Moul Announces Grants Totaling $2.2 Million in 91st District

October 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Today, Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) announced that eight municipalities or local municipal authorities in his legislative district will receive $2.2 million in state gaming revenue under the Local Share Account (LSA) program.

Each year, the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA), an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), which holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments on behalf of the Commonwealth, distributes the state’s share of gaming revenue to local governments and programs.

The LSA grants approved today:

$658,150 – Adams County Industrial Development Authority, on behalf of Pennsylvania Agriculture Discovery Center, for the construction of an agriculture education center in Straban Township. The project includes construction of a 25,000-square-foot facility that would showcase Pennsylvania’s diverse agriculture industry with an outdoor educational exhibit area, agricultural-themed jungle gym playset, and specialized play areas and pathways.

$276,000 – Carroll Valley Borough for improvements to Carroll Commons Park, a municipal park adjacent to the borough’s municipal complex. The project includes construction of a unisex, ADA-accessible bathroom, security camera and surveillance upgrades, construction of two pickleball courts, two EV charging stations and a butterfly garden.

$100,000 – Cumberland Township for security upgrades at the municipal building and police department. The grant will be used for the purchase and installation of security cameras and fencing, safety doors, alarms and enhancements to the reception transaction window.

$200,000 – Fairfield Municipal Authority to replace the influent screen at its wastewater treatment plant in Hamiltonban Township.

$250,000 – Franklin Township Municipal Authority for water distribution system improvements.
The project will replace outdated and inefficient flow service meters and backflow preventers and provide for the purchase and installation of security fencing around water sources. New meter reading equipment would have remote reading capability to enhance efficiency and safety.
$200,000 – Littlestown Borough will replace the suction lift pumps at the Meadowview pump station building in Union Township to conform with state and federal safety requirements. It would also relocate the wet well outside the building, fill in the existing well and resurface.

$221,437 – Mount Joy Township to purchase a new tractor to replace its current tractor, which is insufficient for the township’s needs.

$250,000 – White Run Regional Municipal Authority for improvements at the West Pump Station in Mount Joy. The pump station is currently out of service due to extensive damage to its concrete wet well and excessive leakage. The project would replace the wet well, three manholes, and rehabilitate 16 additional manholes that lead to the treatment facility.

“Many of the projects funded through the Local Share Account program are critical to our communities and help to defray the cost to taxpayers,” said Moul. “It was my pleasure to advocate for this funding, which will cover a significant portion, if not all, of the total project costs. We all rely on safe drinking water, working sanitary sewer systems and well-equipped public safety infrastructure to keep us and our communities safe and healthy.

Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham

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