Budget Addresses Today’s Needs, Looks Ahead, Moul Says

July 8, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) said he voted for the state budget, now on its way to the governor, because it fully funds the core functions of state government while also paying down debt and putting money away for the future – important considerations in a down economy.

“We were fortunate to have a surplus this year,” said Moul. “It is enabling us to pay back over $2 billion in prior budget borrowing and to build the state’s Rainy Day Fund to a record $5 billion. The state’s Independent Fiscal Office is forecasting rough times ahead, so the savings in this budget can provide relief in future budgets and help avoid tax increases.”

To help the most vulnerable during this period of high inflation, the budget creates a childcare tax credit to support working families, a one-time increase in Property Tax Rent Rebates for seniors and additional funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program known as LIHEAP.

The budget increases basic education funding by $525 million to $7.08 billion. All the schools in the 91st Legislative District received substantial increases in this budget. Statewide, the budget increases early childhood education funding by $60 million and Head Start by $19 million, and it provides $100 million more to each of the following: special education, school safety and the school safety Mental Health Initiative.

“As chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, I am particularly happy that the budget contains funding to combat avian influenza and spotted lanternflies as well as support for our animal health and diagnostic labs and Penn State Extension,” said Moul.

The budget also provides nearly $4 billion for road and bridge projects and increases the reimbursement rates for EMS providers and Medicaid for nursing care.

Senate Bill 1100 is now awaiting the governor’s signature.

Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham

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