Committee Advances Judicial Term Limit Bill, Says Moul

December 14, 2021

HARRISBURG – On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee advanced legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams), to limit the terms of state appellate court judges and justices. 

House Bill 1880 would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to limit justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to two terms or a total of 20 years on the bench. Under the bill any justice currently serving who has exceeded the new limit would be permitted to complete their current term. 

The bill was amended in committee to apply the same term limits to Commonwealth Court and Superior Court judges. The amendment limits those judges to two terms or 20 years on each court on which they serve. 

Constitutional amendments must pass in identical form in each of two consecutive legislative sessions before they can be placed before voters in a statewide referendum. “I look forward to putting this power in the hands of Pennsylvania voters,” said Moul.

Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham

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