House Passes Budget, Paves Way for Economic Recovery, Moul Says
June 25, 2021
HARRISBURG - Nearly one week shy of the state budget deadline, the House today passed a budget that fully funds the core functions of state government with no new taxes or fee increases. The 2021-22 budget includes $39.8 billion in General Fund revenues and more than $1 billion in federal pandemic relief funds. It will also set aside $2.5 billion in the state’s Rainy Day Fund, bringing it to a record $2.8 billion, and preserves more than $5 billion of federal relief funds to aid future budgets.
“We have all worked hard to get past the pandemic and restart our economy,” said Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams). “This budget will help Pennsylvania citizens and business owners who have been struggling for far too long and will help to restore public confidence in our economic future. It will fully fund public education, public safety and provide for the health and well-being of Pennsylvania citizens.
“Gov. Tom Wolf had proposed a $7 billion increase in the Personal Income Tax (PIT) this year,” said Moul. “This is no time to be raising taxes. Our budget is about economic recovery after an unprecedented period of sacrifice and upheaval. It aims to help those who have been hardest hit by the pandemic and set a sound course for the future.”
Senate Bill 255 covers cost overruns by the Department of Human Services (DHS) that were not expressly approved by the General Assembly. Continual cost overruns put pressure on our budget and must stop. The Fiscal Code with this budget contains language that prevents DHS from creating new programs not authorized by the General Assembly.
The budget provides a record $13.6 billion in PreK-12 education funding, an increase of $300 million. It includes $30 million more for Early Childhood Education programs and $50 million more for special education. Here is a look at what schools in the 91st Legislative District will receive in this budget:
• Conewago Valley $6.5 million, up 2%
• Fairfield Area $3.6 million, up 1.1%
• Gettysburg Area $8.5 million, up 4%
• Littlestown Area $6.7 million, up 4.2%
The budget bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
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