Voting Rights Protection Bill Clears House, Moves to Senate

June 23, 2021

HARRISBURG: This evening, after many months of public hearings and debate, the House passed comprehensive election reform legislation aimed at strengthening election security and accessibility.

“I have received many emails, phone calls and visits from constituents, expressing concern about the integrity of our elections and demanding action to fix it. Today, the House responded by passing the Voting Rights Protection Act,” said Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams). 

House Bill 1300 would require security measures such as scannable voter identification and signature verification for mail-in and absentee ballots. It would streamline county election processes statewide to improve uniformity and help maintain accurate lists of registered voters. It would also allow pre-canvassing - the preparation of ballots for scanning - up to five days before an election to reduce the burden on poll workers and ensure timely election results. Another measure to ease pressure on county election offices would restore the 30-day voter registration deadline.

The bill would also enhance certification processes for all machines used in elections, require election audits to verify accurate results, allow counties to use and regulate a limited number of secure drop boxes, and allow for early, in-person voting starting in 2025. Recent polling shows most Americans overwhelmingly support early voting and photo ID requirements.

“Any bill of this nature must include compromise to get it over the finish line,” said Moul. Gov. Tom Wolf has indicated he will veto the bill if it reaches his desk, but Moul said the bill has a lot to offer voters on both sides of the aisle. To see his remarks, watch the below video.

Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham

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