Moul Named Chairman of House Agriculture Committee, Member of Tourism Committee
January 12, 2021
HARRISBURG ? House Republican leaders have announced committee assignments for the 2021-22 Legislative Session, naming Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. Moul, who this month began his eighth term in the House, will also serve on the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee, of which he has been a member since his election to the House.
“As someone who grew up on a farm in rural Adams County and in the shadow of the Civil War battlefields of Gettysburg, I am particularly gratified to serve on House committees that oversee Pennsylvania’s two leading industries – agriculture and tourism,” said Moul.
“Agriculture and related businesses and the tourism and hospitality industry provide a significant number of jobs here in Adams County and across the Commonwealth and generate billions annually for Pennsylvania’s economy. Our Civil War battlefields and related attractions, outdoor recreational areas and miles of trails for hiking and biking, make Adams County an ideal destination for tourists and history buffs,” Moul said. “I am happy to have the opportunity to focus on issues affecting today’s farmers and farm families here and statewide, and to play a role in shaping the future of Pennsylvania’s agriculture and tourism industries.”
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
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