Wolf Shutdown Orders NOT Based on Science
October 23, 2020
HARRISBURG – According to Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) a recent court case in Pittsburgh confirmed that Gov. Tom Wolf’s actions to shut down Pennsylvania’s economy and put hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians out of work violated the constitutional rights of Pennsylvania citizens.
“When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the governor responded by signing an executive order in mid-March that forced businesses to close and people to stay home. We were told the governor and his secretary of Health were basing their decisions on science, but we have subsequently learned that was not true,” said Moul. “I joined my House colleagues in challenging the administration to provide evidence that it was “following the science,” but the proof was not forthcoming. We filed Right-to-Know (RTK) requests and found the Office of Open Records closed and work to comply with RTK requests suspended indefinitely.
“County leaders, state representatives and citizens of Butler County, fed up with the shutdown and subsequent extensions, the administration’s inconsistent messaging, arbitrary rules and threats for noncompliance, challenged the administration’s actions as arbitrary and unconstitutional and won.
“In County of Butler v. Wolf, the administration had ample opportunity to present experts and the scientific data on which it based its orders. Instead, it called on members of the pandemic work group, who were not scientists, epidemiologists or otherwise qualified to defend the administration’s actions.
On the House floor this week, Moul shared several responses contained in the court testimony, which he says proves the administration’s shutdown was not based on science. To see his testimony, click here.
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham
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