Moul Votes to End Governor’s Statewide Emergency
June 10, 2020
HARRISBURG – Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) voted last evening on a House resolution to end Gov. Tom Wolf’s statewide emergency declaration, freeing Pennsylvania businesses and residents to safely go back to work.
“While House Resolution 836 is not subject to veto action by the governor, it will almost certainly be challenged,” said Moul. “A bipartisan majority in the House and Senate deemed it necessary to lift the emergency and move forward on behalf of the many small businesses hanging on by a thread and families and individuals – some still waiting for unemployment assistance – struggling every day to survive.
“Our government is comprised of three co-equal branches, yet the governor acted on his own to force the shutdown of our schools and the state’s economy. The citizens of Pennsylvania and our small businesses simply cannot afford this,” Moul said.
Upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and newspapers across the Commonwealth, the emergency declaration will end unless challenged in the courts.
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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