South Central Members Disappointed With Wolf’s Actions

May 20, 2020

HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf yesterday vetoed legislation approved by both chambers of the General Assembly, only to turn around 120 minutes later to enact the same measure by executive fiat.

Southcentral region state legislators, including House Appropriations Majority Chairman Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) and Reps. Torren Ecker (R-Abbottstown), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dan Moul (R-Gettysburg), Seth Grove (R-Dover), Mike Jones (R-York Township), Greg Rothman (R-Camp Hill) and Barb Gleim (R-Carlisle), issued the following statement:

“Gov. Wolf vetoed legislation that would have reopened our devastated real estate industry, yet turned around hours later and ordered the real estate industry reopened under the powers he claims under the coronavirus emergency he issued March 16. Unfortunately for the people of Pennsylvania, this is not the first time he has behaved this way since he ordered the state’s economy shut down.

“On April 14, the House passed measures that would have allowed realtors, car dealers and construction workers to operate following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. It also would have made public the list of businesses that have been granted waivers to operate versus those that have been denied.

“Wolf vetoed these commonsense measures, but shortly thereafter at the same time ordered a select few of these same businesses to reopen. Apparently, the governor agrees with us on the economy, but not transparency.

“Currently, more than 6.5 million people – one third of Pennsylvania’s workforce – which includes the self-employed have applied for out-of-work benefits.

“People are hurting. The goal of the governor’s actions was to flatten the curve of coronavirus infections. That has happened. Allow Pennsylvanians to return to work safely and responsibly, as we have demonstrated we’re capable of.”

Pennsylvania Southcentral House Republicans
Media Contact: Charles Lardner

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